An Electric Fireplace Is A Convenient Way To Enjoy Romantic Flames And Supplemental Heat
An electric fireplace is a good option for your home if you want the warmth the fireplace provides or you just want dancing flames to set a relaxing mood. If you've never looked into electric fireplaces before, you might be surprised at how attractive they are and how realistic the flames look.
As an added bonus, they can warm up a room so you stay nice and cozy when it's cold outside. Here are some options in electric fireplaces and why electric is sometimes a better choice than a wood or gas fireplace.
Why You Might Prefer An Electric Fireplace
If your home doesn't have gas lines or an existing wood fireplace, installing an electric model would be the most affordable way to enjoy a new fireplace in your home. However, even if your home does have gas service, you might want an electric fireplace because it's safer. You won't have to worry about gas leaks or real flames.
You might even prefer electric over wood for safety reasons. Plus, the air quality in your home doesn't suffer when you have an electric fireplace because it doesn't burn fuel or wood. An electric model is much more convenient than a wood fireplace too because you don't have to buy, chop, or store wood around your home. Plus, you won't have to deal with cleaning a chimney because an electric fireplace doesn't have to vent outdoors.
How An Electric Fireplace Creates Flames And Heat
The flames are created by LED lights that have a long life and are efficient to operate. The lights shine on a mirror that rotates, and this gives the effect of a flickering flame. You can find a fireplace that lets you choose a flame-only setting so you can enjoy the dancing flames without heat.
The heat is created in two ways. One method uses a fan that blows air across heated coils so warm air blows in the room and heats it. The other method uses infrared heat. Infrared heat warms up objects rather than the air, so you and your furniture will feel nice and warm.
If you plan to heat a large room, you might need to buy an infrared fireplace. No matter what type of fireplace you buy, be sure to match the output to the square footage of the room so it's able to warm you nicely.
How To Choose Your New Electric Fireplace
There are many styles of fireplaces to choose from, so it may be challenging to find the right match for your home. Decide if you want a portable model or one that stays in place. A portable fireplace plugs into an ordinary outlet and can be moved from room to room.
If you want the fireplace mounted on the wall, built into the wall, or placed in an existing chimney, you'll probably want a permanent installation, and you may even want an electrician to wire the fireplace so it doesn't have a cord showing.
The style of fireplace you choose depends on your decor. You can buy a sleek model that resembles a TV or you can buy a fireplace with a mantel. You can even buy one that doubles as an entertainment center so you can place your television on it.
To learn more, contact an electric fireplace supplier.